
Master of Science in Professional Translation

Master of Science in Professional Translation

Professional Status of the Program

Nowadays, in Albania there is still no Master's level program specialized in the field of professional translation. For this reason, the study program of Master of Science in Professional Translation is extremely useful in Albania not only for graduates of the Faculties of Human Sciences, but also for all graduates in other fields. This program belongs to Cycle II program of Higher Education in Albania (Master of Science, Level 7 in the Albanian framework of qualifications). The study program will be offered in English and Albanian for the relevant courses in the curriculum, and partially in the second foreign language for the relevant courses.

The program offers sufficient qualification which will enable graduates to enter the qualifying exam of official translators (the project-proposal is informed and has included in the teaching plans the provisions of the draft law "On Official Translation and the Profession of Official Translator").


The purpose of the Study Program "Master of Science in Professional Translation" is the development of knowledge and scientific research in the field of professional translation of contemporary languages, through teaching and scientific research, as well as offering advanced knowledge on the science and practice of translation, preparing expert translators, who will be equipped in theory and professional practice with knowledge, skills, competences and dexterity to respond to the demands for high quality in translation services in the European integration process of Albania.


The study program of Master of Science in Professional Translation is extremely useful in Albania not only for graduates of the Faculties of Human Sciences, but also for all graduates from other fields. This fact, in view of the opening of accession negotiations to the European Union, significantly increases the needs for services in many specialized fields that produce technical documents, translation of which requires special knowledge, specific terminology, specialized tools and the use of technology advanced translation.

The second cycle program of Postgraduate Studies/Master of Science in Professional Translation is offered by the Faculty of Humanities, Department of Greek Language and Civilization. The mode of studies is full-time. In order for professionals to have the opportunity to follow this study program, the courses will be offered in the afternoons and/or at extended weekends.

The duration of the program is two (2) academic years and the program load is (120 ECTS). At the end of the studies, graduates will be awarded the Master of Science degree in Professional Translation.

Employment Opportunities

Graduates of the study program of Master of Science in Professional Translation are employable:

  • • as freelancers, i.e. opening translation offices to offer various translation and localization services;
  • • as freelancers, i.e. offering their services as simultaneous/consecutive interpreters;
  • • as external collaborators/translators at the Ministry of Justice, at notary offices, other line ministries, diplomatic headquarters or regional agencies or translation offices;
  • • to various organizations inside or outside Albania that need professional translators.

Admission criteria

The Master of Science Program in Professional Translation accepts students who have completed their bachelor's studies in Higher Education Institutions (Universities) of the country and abroad of all university faculties related to the field of Albanian language, foreign languages, or other related fields (e.g. Legal Studies, Medical Sciences, Business Studies, Teaching, Natural Sciences, Social Theology, Religious Sciences,etc.) who are interested to specialize in translation. Candidates must be fluent in English (level B2 and above) and in another foreign language (Greek level B1 and above), be equipped with evidence (certificate) from testers recognized by the Ministry responsible for education, or with the evidence of completion of a study cycle at university level (diploma) in that language.

Candidates must have good knowledge of Albanian language and the ability to express themselves fluently and accurately in writing. For foreign citizens, excellent knowledge of Albanian language and certified at C2 level is mandatory.

Study program details(Can also be downloaded as a .pdf format at the link below)

DownloadCurriculum of Master of Science in Professional Translation

First Year

No. Name of the subject/activity ECTS/Total
1 Principles of Translation Studies 6
2 Translation Technology I (Electronic Translation Tools) 6
3 Translation of general texts I (from English to Albanian) 6
4 Translation of general texts II. From Greek to Albanian. 6
5 Albanian language 6
- Total ECTS 1st semester 30
No. Name of the subject/activity ECTS/Total
1 Translation Technology II (Electronic dictionaries and machine translation editing) 6
2 Translation of general texts III (from English to Albanian) 6
3 Translation of general texts ΙV. From Greek to Albanian. 6
4 Translation of specific texts and terminological documentation I (from English to Albanian) 6
5 Translation of specific texts and terminological documentation ΙΙ. From Greek to Albanian* 6
- Total ECTS 2nd semester 30

Second Year

No. Name of the subject/activity ECTS/Total
1 Translation of specific texts and terminological documentation ΙΙΙ (from English to Albanian) 6
2 Translation of specific texts and terminological documentation ΙV. From Greek to Albanian. 6
3 Reverse translation of general texts (from Albanian to English) 6
4 Terminology management 6
5 Subtitling 6
- Total ECTS 3rd semester 30
No. Name of the subject/activity ECTS/Total
1 Research Methods in Translational Studies 5
2 Applied Theories of Translation 1
1 Professional practice 12
2 Thesis 12
- Total ECTS 4th semester 30